Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Potential New Role For Rob ~ RUMOR

This is a spunk_ransom exclusive but still is tagged as a "rumor" since there is still no confirmation from parties involved.

Their insider claims

"The film is a remake of the 2004 film “Dark Arc”. A major studio is behind the project.

Potential co-stars are Emma Watson and Casey Affleck as the three lead characters with Rob.

Rob and Emma Watson have signed but Casey Affleck is still in talks.

Short Summary(a detailed storyline is available on IMDB but it does contain spoilers):

A mysterious comedy about love, lust, art and the power of the “charged image”, Dark Arc follows the eccentric love triangle between an artist, a graphic designer and their inspiring muse.

- 7/10 star user-rating on IMDB! There are 8 reviews there!

- Robert would be set to play Viscount Laris. He is described as, an eccentric, modern-day dandy obsessed by the power of art and visual imagery to shape the behavior and destiny of the individual.

Read the complete report at spunk_ransom

Via robstenation

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