Friday, July 16, 2010

Miley Cyrus Trashes 'Twilight,' Calls Vampires 'Revolting'

Apparently, Miley Cyrus really can't be tamed—at least when it comes to criticizing The Twilight Saga.
The Hannah Montana sensation has once again taken a shot at the beloved vampire franchise, which she has likened to a "cult" in the past. In her latest bit of vamp-trashing, Cyrus declares,
"I'd rather keep the dead and revolting things like vampires and werewolves out of my life."
Revolting? Clearly, Miley just hasn't encountered the right kind of vampire. Or werewolf, for that matter.
Do you think Miley has a point, or is she just stirring up drama to draw attention to herself?



  1. Yea well Miley Cyrus is trash. At least vampires don't walk around in skimpy clothes all the time. (Just werewolf's do.)

  2. Fuck Miley Cyrus! Her, her voice, and her music is fucking trash. I hate her just like everyone else. She is just jelous cause she isn't part of the movies and that all the attention moved from her to Twilight. I would rAther be dead then then to listen to her trashy voice. Fuck her! She can go suck her ads dick. Little hoe.
