Thursday, July 22, 2010

What parents need to know about THE RUNAWAYS!

I found this here while looking for reviews on the movie, i know it's serious because  Twilight has younger fans too, and it's a cool way to warn the parents that it's not the same thing as Twilight. But, i did think it was pretty funny.
What Parents Need to Know

Parents need to know that this music biopic is way too mature for Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning's young teen Twilight fans.It's full of drinking, drugging, and high-heeled swaggering, as well asplenty of sexy stuff, including kissing between teen girls and sexscenes between teen girls and young men. Substances are mostly limitedto alcohol, but teens also snort cocaine. Parents should be preparedfor teens to fantasize about running off and starting a band after seeing thismovie.

•Families can talk about the teens using drugs and alcoholin the movie. Why do you think there's such a link between drugs androck-n-roll? Did the up-and-coming musicians have to drink and usedrugs to be part of that community, or could they have made differentchoices?

•What do you think about the way Cherie's sexuality was portrayed in the movie? Was it realistic? How can teens explore their sexuality while staying safe?

•What was it about The Runaways' music that connected with audiences? What made it seem fresh and new?

•What did Joan and Cherie get out of the band? Out of music? What did Fowley get out of pushing the band members in such an insistent,abusive manner?

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