Saturday, June 5, 2010

Korean Interview- They ask Kristen about Rob.

They ask her why ROB couldn't go and if they're a couple. I love her expression when they asked her about him and the way she answered about them being together.


  1. Omg!!! I totally love these theme for the blog!!! I love it!!!! Jeje n about the video i dnt understand when she answers about being a real couple with Rob, bt then her face is like wth is wrong with this guy??? U c it??? lol. Great video. Lol n Taylor sounds funny when he said i just went to bed one night n i woke up and pufff!!! Jaja funny. Bt im still being a #Robsten fan. Lol. :D

  2. lmao yeah it was a funny video over all. & Kristen was being her usual way , shy but this time with some sarcasm ahah(:

  3. aaahhhh!!!!, es una video impresionante, que bien que lo pusieras pues queria ver mas o menos de que se tratababa esa entrevista =D

  4. De nada...que bueno que te gusto:)
